Bird Nut’s birding year
By Cassidy Ruge, age 13
By Cassidy Ruge, age 13
Cassidy’s Trip: My family and I are on a trip around the US, Canada, and Mexico and are staying in a camper and sometimes tents. We traveled from Massachusetts to Iowa, then all the way up to Alaska and did a lot of birding there and then headed south through British Columbia, Yellowstone Nat. Park and then followed the Rockies all the way down to Tucson. After a month in Arizona, we are going to Mexico all the way down to the Yucatan Peninsula and Chiapas. We are even thinking of going all the way to Costa Rica and doing the great birding areas there.
My Birding Year: I am keeping track of birds I see, but it is not an official “Big Year” according to the ABA. I have seen a ton of birds (A list of the species I saw is below). I probably couldn’t count all the species but I’ll try to do it below.
Massachusetts to Alaska to Tucson
1. Snow Goose
2. Snow Goose (blue form)
3. Canada Goose
4. Trumpeter Swan (new=life bird)
5. Tundra Swan (new)
6. Gadwall
7. American Wigeon
8. American Black Duck
9. Mallard
10. Blue-winged Teal
11. Cinnamon Teal (new)
12. Northern Shoveler
13. Northern Pintail
14. Green-winged Teal
15. Redhead
16. Canvasback
17. Lesser Scaup
18. Harlequin Duck
19. Surf Scoter
20. White-winged Scoter
21. Black Scoter
22. Common Goldeneye
23. Common Merganser
24. Ruddy Duck
25. Ring-necked Pheasant
26. Ruffed Grouse
27. Spruce Grouse (new)
28. Spruce Grouse (“Franklin’s Grouse”) (new)
29. Willow Ptarmigan (new)
30. Sharp-tailed Grouse (new)
31. Wild Turkey
32. Gambel’s Quail
33. Pacific Loon (new)
34. Common Loon
35. Pied-billed Grebe
36. Red-necked Grebe
37. Eared Grebe
38. Cory’s Shearwater
39. Greater Shearwater
40. Sooty Shearwater
41. Manx Shearwater (new)
42. Wilson’s Storm-Petrel
43. American White Pelican
44. Brandt’s Cormorant (new)
45. Double-crested Cormorant
46. Pelagic Cormorant (new)
47. Red-faced Cormorant (new)
48. Great Blue Heron
49. Black Vulture
40. Turkey Vulture
51. Osprey
52. Bald Eagle
53. Northern Harrier
54. Sharp-shinned Hawk
55. Cooper’s Hawk
56. Northern Goshawk
57. Red-tailed Hawk
58. Red-tailed (Harlan’s Hawk) (new)
59. Rough-legged Hawk
60. Golden Eagle (new)
61. American Kestrel
62. Prairie Falcon (new)...Aplomado Falcon (not a countable bird according to the ABA because it doesn't have a sustainable population)
63. American Coot
64. Sandhill Crane
65. Killdeer
66. Black Oystercatcher (new)
67. Greater Yellowlegs
68. Lesser Yellowlegs
69. Wandering Tattler (new)
70. Upland Sandpiper (new)
71. Black Turnstone (new)
72. Surfbird (new)
73. Dunlin
74. Long-billed Dowitcher
75. Wilson’s Phalarope
76. Red-necked Phalarope
77. Laughing Gull
78. Heermann’s Gull (new)
79. Mew Gull (new)
80. Ring-billed Gull
81. Herring Gull
82. Glaucous-winged Gull (new)
83. Glaucous Gull
84. Great Black-backed Gull
85. Black-legged Kittiwake (new)
86. Common Tern
87. Black Tern (new)
88. Common Murre (new)
89. Pigeon Guillemot (new)
90. Marbled Murrelet (new)
91. Kittlitz’s Murrelet (new)
92. Rhinoceros Auklet (new)
93. Horned Puffin (new)
94. Tufted Puffin (new)
95. Rock Pigeon
96. Eurasian Collard-Dove (new)
97. White-winged Dove (new)
98. Morning Dove
99. Inca Dove
100. Greater Roadrunner
101. Great Horned Owl
102. Common Nighthawk
103. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
104. Belted Kingfisher
105. Red-headed Woodpecker
106. Acorn Woodpecker
107. Gila Woodpecker
108. Red-bellied Woodpecker
109. Downy Woodpecker
110. Hairy Woodpecker
111. Northern Flicker (Yellow-Shafted)
112. Northern Flicker (Red-Shafted) (new)
113. Western Wood-Peewee (new)
114. Eastern Phoebe
115. Black Phoebe
116. Say's Phoebe (new)
117. Great Crested Flycatcher
118. Western Kingbird (new)
119. Eastern Kingbird
120. Loggerhead Shrike
121. Red-eyed Vireo
122. Gray Jay (new)
123. Steller’s Jay
124. Blue Jay
125. Western Scrub-Jay (new)
126. Clark’s Nutcracker (new)
127. Black-billed Magpie
128. American Crow
129. Northwestern Crow (new)
130. Fish Crow
131. Common Raven
132. Horned Lark
133. Purple Martin
134. Tree Swallow
135. Cliff Swallow
136. Barn Swallow
137. Black-capped Chickadee
138. Mountain Chickadee
139. Chestnut-backed Chickadee (new)
140. Boreal Chickadee (new)
141. Tufted Titmouse
142. Red-breasted Nuthatch
143. Pygmy Nuthatch (new)
144. Rock Wren (new)
145. House Wren
146. Sedge Wren (new)
147. Marsh Wren
148. Winter Wren
149. American Dipper (new)
150. Eastern Bluebird
151. Mountain Bluebird
152. Townsend’s Solitaire (new)
153. Swainson’s Thrush (new)
154. Varied Thrush
155. Gray Catbird
156. Northern Mockingbird
157. Brown Thrasher
158. European Starling
159. American Pipit
160. Cedar Waxwing
161. Phainopepla
162. Orange-crowned Warbler (new)
163. Yellow Warbler
164. Townsend’s Warbler (new)
165. Scarlet Tanager
166. Brewer’s Sparrow (new)
167. Lark Sparrow (new)
168. Fox Sparrow
169. Song Sparrow
170. Golden-crowned Sparrow (new)
171. Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored)
172. Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)
173. Bobolink
174. Red-winged Blackbird
175. Western Meadowlark (new)
176. Common Grackle
177. Baltimore Oriole
178. White-winged Crossbill (new)
179. American Goldfinch
180. House Sparrow
Arizona to Mexico
Tucson to Madera Canyon
181. Rufous-crowned Sparrow (new)
182. White-breasted Nuthatch
183. Mexican Jay (new)
184. Black-chinned Sparrow (new)
Madera Canyon to Sonoita Creek Preserve
185. Abert’s Towhee (new)
186. Inca Dove
Sonoita to Ash Canyon
187. Arizona Woodpecker (new)
188. Ladder-backed Woodpecker (new)
189. Scott’s Oriole (new)
190. Painted Redstart (new)
191. Hammond’s Flycatcher (new)
192. Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon’s) (new)
193. Red-naped Sapsucker (new)
194. Canyon Towhee (new)
195. House Finch
196. Lesser Goldfinch
197. Pine Siskin
198. Pyrrhuloxia
199. Yellow-eyed Junco (new)
Ash Canyon to Patagonia
200. Common Moorhen
201. Anna’s Hummingbird (new)
Patagonia to Tucson
202. Chihuahuan Raven (new)
203. Great-tailed Grackle
204. Black-throated Sparrow
Tucson to Arivaca, AZ
205. Montezuma Quail (new)
206. Costa’s Hummingbird (new)
Sabino Canyon
207. White-throated Swift (new)
208. Cactus Wren
Tucson to McAllen, Texas
209. Golden-fronted Woodpecker (new)
210. Common Ground-Dove (new)
211. Crested Caracara (new)
212. Harris’s Hawk (new)
McAllen to Santa Ana NWR, Donna TX.
213. Plain Chachalaca
214. Great Kiskadee
215. Black-crested Titmouse (new)
216. Green Jay (new)
217. Olive Sparrow (new)
Donna to Mission, TX (Americana RV Park)
218. Buff-bellied Hummingbird (new)
219. Long-billed Thrasher (new)
Mission Texas to Ciudad Victoria, Mexico
220. Vermilion Flycatcher (new)
Ciudad Victoria to Nautla, Mexico
221. White-tailed Hawk (new)
222. Blue-Gray Tanager*new (*= Mexican Endemic)
223. Sanderling
224. Yellow-throated Warbler (new)
225. Blackburnian Warbler
Nautla to Oaxaca, Mexico
226. Tropical Kingbird (new)
227. White-collared Swift*new
228. Wilson’s Warbler
229. Nashville Warbler (at last!)
230. Yellow Grosbeak (new)
231. Gray Silky-Flycatcher*new
232. Orchard Oriole
233. Bridled Sparrow*new
234. Berylline Hummingbird (new)
235. Summer Tanager (new)
236. Dusky Hummingbird*new
237. White-throated Towhee*new
Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca
238. Grey-breasted Woodpecker*new
239. Nutting’s Flycatcher*new
240. Boucard’s Wren*new
241. Clay-colored Sparrow (new)
242. Virginia’s Warbler (new)
243. Blue Grosbeak (new)
244. Grasshopper Sparrow (new)
245. Black-vented Oriole*new
246. Black-throated Grey Warbler (new)
247. Sora (new)
248. Western Tanager (new)
Teotitlan Dam
249. Least Grebe (new)
250. Violet Green Swallow (new)
251. Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Teotitlan to Benito Juarez (Neveria Trail), Oaxaca
252. Short-tailed Hawk (new)
253. Zone-tailed Hawk (new)
254. Chestnut-sided Shrike-Vireo*new
255. Red Warbler*new
256. Grey-barred Wren*new
257. Grey-breasted Wood-Wren*new
258. Slate-throated Redstart*new
259. Black-headed Grosbeak (new)
260. Hepatic Tanager (new)
261. Spot-crowned Wooodcreeper*new
262. Hermit Warbler (new)
263. Hutton’s Vireo (new)
264. White-throated Robin*new
265. Blue-headed Vireo
266. Olive-sided Flycatcher (new)
267. Magnificent Hummingbird (new)
268. White-eared Hummingbird (new)
269. Band-tailed Pigeon*new
Benito Juarez to Oaxaca City (Instituto Cultural)
270. Rufous-backed Robin*new
Instituto Cultural to Posada del Fortin
271. Bronzed Cowbird (new)
272. Clay-colored Robin*new
Posada del Fortin to Llano Grande, Oaxaca
273. Mexican Chickadee (new)
274. Bushtit “Black-eared”new
275. Mountain Trogon*new
Posada del Fortin to Tehuantepec, Oaxaca
279. Russet-crowned Motmot*new
280. Yellow-winged Cacique*
281. Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (new)
282. White-throated Magpie Jay*new
Tehauntepec to Ocozocoatla and Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas
283. Scrub Euphonia*new
284. Bat Falcon*new
285. Buff-collared Nightjar*new
286. White-lored Gnatcatcher*new
287. Black-headed Saltator*new
288. Great Curassow*new
289. Crested Guan*new
290. Bare-throated Tiger Heron*
291. White Ibis
292. White-fronted Parrot*new
Ocozocoatla to San Cristóbal, Chiapas
293. Rufous-collared Sparrow*new
San Cristóbal to Palenque, Chiapas
294. Montezuma Oropendola*new
295. White-crowned Parrot*new
296. Buff-throated Saltator*new
297. Brown Jay*new
298. Rufous-tailed Hummingbird*new
299. Red-lored Parrot*new
300. Yellow-winged Tanager*new
301. Keel-billed Toucan*new
302. Melodious Blackbird*new
303. White Hawk*new
304. Black-headed Trogon*new
305. Red-capped Manakin*new
306. Great Black-Hawk*
307. Long-billed Hermit*new
308. Violet Sabrewing*new
309. Wood Thrush
310. Grey Catbird
311. Golden-hooded Tanager*new
312. Red-legged Honeycreeper*new
313. Collared Aracari*new
314. Yellow-throated Euphonia*new
315. Roadside Hawk*new
Palenque to Bonampak, Chiapas
316. Northern Jacana*
317. Scaled Pigeon*new
318. Pauraque (new)
319. Violaceous Trogon*new
320. Black-cheeked Woodpecker*new
321. Black-crowned Tityra*new
322. Crimson-collared Tanager*new
323. Scarlet-rumped Tanager*new
324. Rufous-tailed Jacamar*new
325. Barred Antshrike*new
326. Chestnut-colored Woodpecker*new
327. Grey-collared Becard*new
328. Spot-breasted Wren*new
329. Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher*new
330. Hooded Warbler
331. Black-faced Grosbeak*new
332. Olive-backed Euphonia*new
333. Tropical Pewee*new
334. Band-backed Wren*new
335. Plain Xenops*new
336. Blue Ground-Dove*new
337. Lineated Woodpecker*new
338. Chestnut-headed Oropendola*new
339. Ruddy Ground-Dove (new)
340. SCARLET MACAW*new!!!
341. Golden-olive Woodpecker*new
342. Bright-rumped Attila*new
343. Thick-billed Seed-Finch*new
344. Little Hermit*new
345. Dot-winged Antwren*new
346. Rufous Piha*new
347. Rufous Mourner*new
348. Yellow-bellied Elaenia*new
349. Smoky-brown Woodpecker*new
350. Great Antshrike*new
351. Grey-breasted Martin*new
352. Blue-winged Warbler
353. Bananaquit (new)
Bonampak to Yaxchilán, Chiapas
354. Blue-crowned Motmot*new
355. Royal Flycatcher*new
356. Swallow-tailed Kite (new)!!!
Yaxchilán to Bonampak
357. Scaly-breasted Hummingbird*new
358. White-bellied Emerald*new
359. White-eyed Vireo
360. Mangrove Swallow*new
361. Black-necked Stilt
362. Rose-breasted Grosbeak
363. Social Flycatcher*
364. Dusky-capped Flycatcher (new)
365. Canyon Wren
366. Ivory-billed Woodcreeper*new
367. Snowy Egret
368. Neotropic Cormorant
369. Reddish Egret
370. Canada Warbler (new)
371. N. Rough-winged Swallow
372. Belted Flycatcher*new
Bonampak to Palenque
373. Kentucky Warbler (new)
374. Amethyst-throated Hummingbird*new
375. Broad-winged Hawk (migrating)
376. Common Black Hawk
377. Collared Trogon*new
378. Rufous-breasted Spinetail*new
Palenque to Campeche, Quintana Roo
379. Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (new)
380. Black-collared Hawk*new
Campeche to Calakmul ruins, QR
381. Ocellated Turkey*new
382. Pale-billed Woodpecker*new
383. Olivaceous Woodcreeper*new
384. Lesser Greenlet*new
385. Magnolia Warbler
Calakmul to Bacalar, QR
386. Snail Kite
387. Limpkin
388. Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl!!! (new)
389. Green Heron
390. Red-billed Pigeon*new
Bacalar to Felipe Carrio Puerto, QR
391. Tropical Mockingbird*new
Felipe Carrio Puerto (Vigia Chico Rd)
392. Hook-billed Kite
393. Aztec Parakeet*new
394. Thrush-like Mourner*new
395. Yucatan Jay*new
396. Black-cowled Oriole*new
Felipe Carrio Puerto to Paa Mul, QR
397. Brown-crested Flycatcher (new)
398. Grey-necked Wood-Rail*new
399. Yucatan Flycatcher*new
400. Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher (new)
Paa Mul to Dr. Alfredo Barrea M. Garden (near Cancun)
401. Black-throated Green Warbler
Dr. Alfredo Garden to Rio Lagartos, Yucatan
402. Sandwich Tern (new)
403. Black Skimmer (new)
404. Royal Tern (new)
405. Gull-billed Tern (new)
406. Greater Flamingo (new)
407. Laughing Falcon*new
408. Western Sandpiper (new)
Rio Lagartos to Hacienda Ticuch, Valladolid
409. Yellow-green Vireo (new)
410. Couch’s Kingbird (new)
411. Yellow-faced Grassquit*new
Hacienda Ticuch to Mayaland Hotel, Yucatan
412. Grayish Saltator*new
413. Rose-throated Becard (new)
414. Yucatan Woodpecker*new
415. Turquoise-browed Motmot*new
Mayaland hotel to Chichén Itzá ruins, Yucatan
416. Greenish Elaenia*new
417. Orange Oriole*new
Chichén Itzá to Isla Aguada, Campeche
***Yucatan Parrot (not countable-in cage)
Isla Aguada to Catemaco, Veracruz
418. Green-breasted Mango*new
419. Boat-billed Flycatcher*new
420. White-breasted Wood-Wren*new
Catemaco to San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato
San Miguel de Allende to Saltillo, Coahula
Saltillo to Del Rio, Texas
Del Rio to Fort Davis, Texas (Prude Ranch)
421. Dark-eyed Junco “Gray-headed” (new)
422. Elf Owl (new) (nesting pair in phone poll)
Prude Ranch to Tucson (Milagro Co-housing)
423. Ash-throated Flycatcher (new)
Milagro to Sweetwater Wetlands
424. Black-crowned Night-Heron (new)
Sweetwater to Milagro
Milagro to Las Vegas, New Mexico
425. Swainson's Hawk (new)
426. Lewis's Woodpecker (new)
427. Black-chinned Hummingbird
428. Juniper Titmouse (new)
Las Vegas to Carson Natl. Forest, NM
429. Broad-tailed Hummingbird (new)
Carson Natl. Forest to Las Vegas
Las Vegas to Santa Fe, New Mexico
430. Cassin's Finch (new)
431. Cordilleran Flycatcher (new)
Santa Fe to Las Vegas
Las Vegas to Cape Cod-Chatham Inlet
432. American Oystercatcher*new
Orleans, Massachusettts to South Cape Beach-Mashpee
433. Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow*new
Orleans to Las Vegas, New Mexico
Clinton, Oklahoma
434. Mississippi Kite*new
Clinton to Las Vegas
Las Vegas to Ruby Ranch, NM
435. Sabine's Gull*new
436. Lark Bunting*new
437. Western Grebe*new
438. Clark's Grebe*new