Feb 28, 2017

*!^*&)*@ (and other musings)

Well, here we are again. I always say I'm going to post more on this blog and I never do, so I have decided to give myself some more achievable goals *cough*. The phrase "life happens" is grossly overused, but it also is unfortunately accurate most of the time. Its not that I don't have the ability to regularly keep up with posting on my blog, its that I simply forget about its existence 95 percent of the time.

I apologize to anyone who has followed my blog in the past and was disappointed by the severe drought of posts in recent years. No, scratch that. I'm sorry if you follow my blog, period. Because in this age of instantly updated news and stories and random tidbits, a blog that has, on average, a post a year is quite the letdown. Seriously? One post a YEAR? Yikes. That's truly dreadful.

On that note, here are some pictures from my recent birding adventures. (What, did you think I was going to end on a deep and thoughtful note? Maybe next time...

Western Screech-Owl in Cave Creek Canyon, AZ

Cliff Swallow

The wonderful spot I had training for my field job two summers ago in northern Montana

Some weird guy

I am a great driver, the best. I drive roads bigly

Some wonderful wilderness right outside Missoula, MT, where I am currently going to school

Reddish Egret

Me at 6:00am in the morning Snowy Egret

My first Florida Scrub-Jay!

A nice Florida sunset

Least Sandpiper

Loggerhead Shrike

My wonderful, dorky girlfriend, Sahlea

Prairie Falcon in Las Vegas, NM

A Gate's Pass sunset in Tucson

Baby Javelinas are up there on the cute scale

Lifer Streak-breasted Oriole this January in Portal, AZ

Cactus Wren

Blue-throated Hummingbird

A Great Blue Heron coming down from a bad drug trip

A scattering of rosy finches: a bunch of Brown-capped and one Black Rosy-Finch at the back

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Home in New Mexico!

Home in New Mexico!
Las Vegas

Common Black Hawk

Common Black Hawk
Rio Lagartos, Yucatan

Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl

Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl

Pale-billed Woodpecker

Pale-billed Woodpecker
Kalakmul ruins

Dark-eyed Junco

Dark-eyed Junco

Red-tailed Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk
In my backyard-Las Vegas,NM

Me on Hermit's Peak

Me on Hermit's Peak
Las Vegas, New Mexico

Zia Being Cute

Zia Being Cute